India Rivers Day 2019 in Pictures
Agenda for India Rivers Day 2019: ‘Envisioning the Institutional Framework for River Governance in India’. The programme was held on 23rd November 2019, at WWF India, New Delhi.

Bhagirath Prayaas Samman
Bhagirath Prayaas Samman (BPS) was constituted in 2014 with Late Shri Anupam Mishra as the Chair of Jury. BPS aims to recognize the unsung heroes for their outstanding and sustained efforts towards protection and conservation of rivers.
At India Rivers Day 2019, Mustaqeem Mallah was awarded the Bhagirath Prayas Samman.

Citizen's Report on Rejuvenating Ganga
The current version of the Citizen’s Report can be accessed on our website at this link: Rejuvenating Ganga: A citizen’s report.

Chief Guest's Address and Vote of Thanks

Introduction and First Panel Discussion

Second Panel Discussion and Conclusion

Session videos from India Rivers Day 2019 will soon be available on our Youtube channel for all to see. A larger set of photos will also be uploaded to our social media channels.
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