Rivers as Waterways in India: Bane or Boon?
As part of India Rivers Week celebrations in 2022, India Rivers Forum is organizing a series of dialogues (digitally) with a focus on the theme: “Rivers as waterways in India: bane or boon?”.
This includes dialogues that will look at the traditional use of rivers as waterways, moving on to viability, impacts and governance aspects of the current plans. The final dialogue will focus on whether we can actually have an alternative vision for the future of waterways in India. Dates and details are mentioned in the poster below.

The India Rivers Week 2022 programme is conceptualised by the Organizing Committee of India Rivers Forum (IRF) along with Manthan Adhyayan Kendra.
Our topical dialogues will include two parts:
- A presentation on the session topic.
- A panel discussion with representatives from government, law-judiciary, civil society, media, academy-science and user groups.
Our final session will include four parts:
- A presentation for an alternative vision of the Inland Waterways in India
- A keynote lecture.
- A discussion on the present and future on waterways in India.
- Award Ceremony for Bhagriath Prayas Samman Award and Anupam Mishra Memorial Medal.
We hope that by the end of this exercise, we will be able to bring out a report on the theme of Rivers as Waterways in India, from a wholistic perspective that measures the advantages as well as impacts. And accounts for the river itself, the life in it, the riparian community, and offers us an inclusive path forward.
Session 1 : Overview of Indian Inland Waterways
Session 2 : Viability of Indian Inland Waterways
Session 3 : Impacts of Indian Inland Waterways
Session 4 : Governance of Indian Inland Waterways
Session 5 : Awards + discussion
Indian Inland Waterways: Bane or Boon?
Bhagirath Prayaas Samman &
Anupam Mishra Memorial Medal
Apart from the dialogues, India Rivers Forum also attempts to recognise unsung heroes – individuals and organisations who have done exemplary work towards the conservation and celebration of rivers.
Applications for India Rivers Week 2022 are now closed. This section will be updated after winners for this year are announced.