India Rivers Week 2018 in Pictures
The theme of this year’s event, which was dedicated to Swami Sanand (aka Prof G D Agrawal) was ‘Can India rejuvenate Ganga?’. The programme was spread over three days, 24th to 26th November 2018 and was held at WWF India, New Delhi.
Day 1
The event was inaugurated by Shri Shashi Shekhar, former Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt of India. Following the welcome address by Ravi Agrawal of Toxics Link, a map of the Ganga basin was released by the Chief Guest. The map, which is still a work in progress, has been developed by INTACH and depicts all dams and barrages in the Ganga basin, ‘a thousand cuts’ so to speak, as described by OC member Manoj Misra. Ravi Chopra, PSI presented on the theme “The Journey so far and the key Challenges of Ganga Rejuvenation.”

Manoj Mishra setting the context for the event

Ravi Chopra, People’s Science Institute discussing the Citizen’s Report on Ganga Rejuvenation – The journey and key challenges

Chief Guest, Shashi Shekhar, Former Secretary, (MoWR, RD & GR), addressing the house.

Dr Ravi Chopra with Vijay Paranjpye
The first panel discussion of the event was centred on “Aviralta and environmental flows” and was chaired by Jagdish Krishnaswami of ATREE, Bangalore. Participants included Dr Brij Gopal, CIWSA;Mallika Bhanot, Ganga Ahvan; Suresh Babu, WWF India and Dr Vinod Tare, IITK.

Mallika Bhanot answering audience questions on the aviralta panel

Prof. Brij Gopal making his presentation
Later the participants discussed the activities affecting Aviralta in three breakout groups. The themes were a) Flood plains, embankments, river front development, sand mining, dredging and inland waterways, convened by Shripad Dharmadhikary of Manthan Adhyayan Kendra; b) Dams, barrages and interlinking of rivers convened by Himanshu Thakkar of SANDRP, and c) Water use and allocations, convened by K J Joy of SOPPECOM. The convenors and participants of the break out groups presented their findings in the plenary chaired by S Vishwanath.

Shripad Dharmadhikary, Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, convenor of the breakout group – Flood plains, Embankments, RFD, Sand Mining, Dredging, Waterways

Discussion during breakout group – Dinesh Mishra

Session: Demystifying aviralta and the e-flow challenge. Panel answering audience questions

Session: Demystifying aviralta and the e-flow challenge. Panel answering audience questions

Discussion during breakout group – Water use and allocations: Agriculture, urban, Industrial, and non consumptive uses & livelihoods – convened by KJ Joy

Presentations from breakout groups in progress

Discussion during breakout group – Dams, barrages, ILR – convened by Himanshu Thakkar of South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People

Presentations from breakout groups in progress
The day ended with the ‘River Lecture’ delivered by Dr Rajiv K Sinha, IIT Kanpur, on “Sediment management in the Ganga Basin”.

Prof. Rajiv Sinha, IIT Kanpur, presenting the river lecture – “Sediment Management – Essential component of Ganga rejuvenation”
Day 2
The second day kicked off with a series of presentations and a panel discussion on “Catchment and Delta integrity”, chaired by Manu Bhatnagar of INTACH, Delhi. Participants included Jayanta Bandopadhyay, Jagdish Krishnaswami, ATREE, Vijay Paranjpye, GOMUKH, Anil Gautam, PSI, Rohit Joshi, and Makarand Purohit, IWP.

Vijay Paranjpye, making his presentation.

Manu Bhatnagar, Indian Heritage (INTACH), session chair
The second panel, on “Ecological integrity”, was chaired by Prof RK Sinha, and saw presentations by Rajiv Nair, IIT K, Tarun Nair, ATREE Shailendra Singh, ITA, Prakash Nautiyal, Garhwal Univ, Sunil Choudhary, Vikramshila Univ on Biodiversity, Dr Himanshu Kulkarni of ACWADAM presented on Groundwater – Surface water interactions.

Prof. RK Sinha, session chair

Tarun Nair, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), making his presentation

Discussions with the audience

Participant engagement during the panels
The post-lunch discussion was dedicated to the themes of Nirmalta and Climate change. The former was addressed in a panel discussion on Pollution sources and mitigation strategies chaired by Dr Brij Gopal and saw participation by Prof T Velpandian, AIIMS, Ravi Agarwal, Toxics Link, Dhruba Das Gupta, SCOPE, Ritu Sinh, INTACH, Romit, WWF India and a representative from NMCG, Sitaram Taigor. The second panel of the day was dedicated to readying the Ganga basin to face the potential impacts of Climate Change and was chaired by JR Bhatt, MoEFCC. Participants in this included AK Gosain, IITD; jagdish Krishnaswami, ATREE; Joydeep Gupta, ThirdPole; Sreedhar, Environics Trust; and Nidhi Jamwal, Gaon Connection.

Prof. Brij Gopal, session chair, and Dr Dhruba Das Gupta

Ravi Agarwal, Toxics Link, making his presentation

Vishwanath Srikantaiah, receiving the Bhagirath Prayas Samman award from the hands of Padma Bhushan Shri Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Swami Shivanand, Matri Sadan and Ravi Chopra, People’s Science Institute.

Journalist Arun Tiwari receiving the Anupam Mishra Memorial Medal from Shri Manju Mishra
The final event of the second day was the awards ceremony for the Bhagirath Prayaas Sammaan (BPS) and Shri Anupam Misra Memorial (AMM) medal, presented by Padma Bhushan Shri Chandi Prasad Bhatt. This year’s BPS award was presented to S Vishwanath, also known as Zenrainman, for his work on the revival of River Arkavathy and his unrelenting efforts to engage and educate common citizens, students and the government on groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting. The AMM medal was awarded to journalist Arun Tewari, for his coverage of river-related issues, who also released a book of his on late G D Agrawal at the event.

Senior Journalist Abhilash Khandekar in conversation with the two awardees

Chief Guest, Padma Bhushan Shri Chandi Prasad Bhatt, addressing the house
Day 3

Srinivas Chokakula (CPR), making his presentation – Is system to compensate upper riparian states for ensuring Ganga’s Eco-system services to lower riparians feasible?
The last day of the event started with a session dedicated to special issues. The themes discussed were “Preserving the unique characteristics of the Ganga” by K Khairnar of NEERI; “Ganga as a living entity” by Neha Sinha; “The possibility of the lower riparian states in the basin compensating the upper riparian states for eco-system services” by Srinivas Chokakula, CPR and “Walking up the Ganga” by Siddharth Agrawal. Marthand Bindana, Producer, also presented the trailer of his upcoming film titled “SuryaGanga” on Solar energy and how it could replace Hydropower.
The final panel of the day was chaired by S Vishwanath, and the discussion centred around the “Governance issues in the Ganga Basin”. Participants included Sandeep Behera, NMCG; Abhilash Khandekar, Senior Journalist; Seema Mahindra, Ramganga Mitra; and Mushtakim, Yamuna Mitra Mandali.

Shripad Dharmadhikary (Manthan), session chair and Neha Sinha

Panel Discussion: River Governance in Ganga Basin: How should Ganga be governed & its current state.
The discussion from the three-day event was summarised by Dr Ravi Chopra in his presentation on the “Way Forward” which included suggestions made by the participants over the course of the past two days and during the open house session in the morning. The consensus was presented at the Valedictory function, presided over by the Guest of Honour, Shailja Chandra, former Delhi Chief Secretary and the Chief Guest, UP Singh, Secretary to the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt of India.

Participants sharing feedback and inputs during the open house

Participants sharing feedback and inputs during the open house

Guest of Honour – Shailja Chandra, NGT Committee on Yamuna Rejuvenation, addressing the house

Chief Guest – UP Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India, addressing the house